
Thursday, 14 November 2019

In Search of the Superior Babka - Cinnamon vs Chocolate

The two contenders, resting

Oooh I have a winter treat to share.

Chocolate babka
... and the cinnamon

One of my favourite “bits” in Seinfeld is where they get stuck in the bakery buying babka and lament that they don’t get the “superior” babka – aka chocolate (compared to cinnamon). I obviously had to test them both out. For science.

Did I need to make two full size babkas for two people? No. Was it worth it? Absolutely.

The superior babka really depends on your tastes. Chocolate is a really rich dessert-y treat, cinnamon is a slightly sweeter delight. Both are amazing fresh. Both are amazing toasted. If you wanted to toast a slice or two and dollop vanilla icecream on top I think that would be ridiculous.

… but sorry Seinfeld, cinnamon is the superior babka in my house.