
Thursday, 24 June 2021

Cinnamon Coconut Cake

If you're new here, you'll quickly notice that I love sheet cakes. I love a three tier cake too, but there haven't been many occasions in the last 12+ months for those unfortunately. This type of cake is quicker to make and you can cut it up before serving for easier access for sharing.

The great thing about this recipe is that you can either make 1 sheet cake or a three tier cake. Or cupcakes! The below recipe, I managed to get a full sheet cake and 5 cupcakes.

This cake is sweet and nutty, but the cinammon brings a lovely warmth. This is a cracking cake. I want it for my birthday! Obviously some desiccated coconut would be perfect on top but I completely ran out, so I went with my new favourite, bright bold sprinkles.