
Friday, 6 December 2013

First Post!

The blog name hopefully says it all.

I love to bake and cook, and after much prodding from my boyfriend have decided to show the internet what I spend most of my down-time doing (apart from watching episodes of 30 Rock and identifying painfully with Liz Lemon). I live in Newcastle, originally from Belfast, and cook out of the small but perfectly formed kitchen in my flat. The one thing I would change about my kitchen is that I would LOVE a gas hob. Alas, it is not yet to be.

I suppose I cook a bit of everything, but you won't find many seafood recipes because I hate the smell of it cooking. And I don't do fruit-on-desserts. It's just wrong. Of course, the exception proving my rule is luscious banoffee.

I'm much better in the kitchen than writing introductions, I swear.


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