
Saturday, 28 June 2014

Mango Sorbet

Dat boule

There are a few things in life which I really, really enjoy. Mangoes are one. Warm weather (warm enough for cold sweet treats) is another. Really simple recipes are a third. And finally, getting to use fun kitchen gadgets.

I really don’t think I need to say anything more about this recipe except that it combines all four of the above, and you need this in your life. It is worth buying an ice-cream maker for.

serves 4

  • 3 mangoes, chopped
  • 175g icing sugar (reduced from what I used in the photos, it was just too sweet)
  • Juice of one lime


Chop the mango, by first slicing in half lengthways and then cut in a chessboard pattern (not slicing the whole way through).

Place the chopped mango in a food processor, alongside the icing sugar and lime juice.

Not advised: making a mess of your kitchen with icing sugar

Blitz until smooth.

Place in the pre-frozen bowl of an ice-cream maker and churn for 15-30 minutes until thickened.

Then place in a Tupperware the freezer to firm up.

Serve on a hot sunny summer’s day. Or, if you live in the UK, as soon as possible. Don’t wait for the next sunny day.. it might not appear, but at least you’ll have sunshine in your mouth with this kickass sorbet!

Scoop, scoop, a tasty scoop, scoop.

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