Saturday, 20 August 2016

Red Pepper Butterbean Dip

I have ABANDONED the blog while I'm on my holidays, I'm so sorry.

Just dropping in to post this dip, a perfectly summery thing. There is something about it which just calls to be eaten outdoors, on a table filled with yummy dips, hummus and pate. For me, that's better than dinner, the nibbles that come beforehand. Especially with an aperitiv or two!

This is a really simple but effective dip that can be whipped up in a hurry. It is a great accompaniment to Middle-Eastern style dinners, but just as good with some tortilla chips dipped into it. It’s nutty and slightly tangy, delicately spiced and an all-around good dip.

I buy a lot of butterbeans with good intentions, so my cupboard is always full of them.  I have a tendency to over-buy all kinds of beans (like 3 tins with every grocery shop) because I never check what’s in the cupboard beforehand, and I’m deathly afraid of running out of beans. If there’s ever a zombie apocalypse, come to my house. There’s beans to last us YEARS.

Touch wood, there’s no sign of zombies coming (I’ve not got red on me), so I’m always looking for ways to use them up in new and delicious ways. And this makes a nutritous and delicious dip.

serves 4-6 


  • 3 roasted red peppers
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 tsp thyme
  • 30g walnuts, chopped
  • ½ tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp tomato paste
  • 2 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • 50ml olive oil
  • 1 tin butterbeans
  • salt


Really simple. Add the roasted red peppers and garlic to the food processor and blitz with the thyme and salt. Spoon in most of the walnuts, paprika, tomato paste and balsamic vinegar and blitz again. Add in most of the oil, butterbeans and salt and blitz again for the last time.

It's really hard to take good pictures of food in the food processor..

Serve in a little bowl, make a well in the centre, and add the walnuts, drizzling a little olive oil on top.

Chow down.

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